Program note

My previous version os a program note has been described as insufficient (I think the word used was “meaningless”). Therefore, I am trying to write a new one. It’s hard to say who you are and what you’re about in two sentences. Especially since I can barely talk about my music anyway. I can talk about materials and processes, but not so much the sound. Anyway, this time, I’ve got a genre, at least:

Celeste Hutchins is a Californian composer who uses the words of right wing pundits as found musical material. She uses a computer to to cut their speech into phrases and rearrange them as text-sound compositions, both to explore the sounds of the human voice and to highlight the words and meanings in political speech.

And in bad french:

Celeste Hutchins est un compositeur californienne qui utilise des mots des hommes politiques à la droit comme objets trouvés de musique. Elle coup leur discours en des phrases avec un ordinateur. Elle les réarrange en poésie sonore, pour examiner les sons de la voix et la signification des mots politiques.

I know that pundit is not the same as homme politique, but the words the dictionary is giving me back for pundit (expert, érudit, pontife = expert, learned, pontiff) are not right.
the person who needed this stuff yesterday seemed a bit pissed off when I ran into her tonight. alas.
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Charles Céleste Hutchins

Supercolliding since 2003

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