
I woke up today at a noon and then went to help clean up the bar where I was dancing until 4 am. Got to sleep at 5-something this morning. I feel destroyed from tiredness, but not so much from hangover. Which is nice, since I had a lot of beer and pot but no dinner last night.
The last couple of days have felt tumultuous. Stress ameliorated through unclean living. I felt twice as outsider and twice as insider in the span of a few hours than I’ve felt in months. Also, twice as alive. I need to think about some stuff.
But I wanted to share that I’ve been trashed the last few nights in a row, as this seems to be expected behavior when one visits amsterdam.

Yahoo posting:

Anarchism is not really a new idea, but it’s not one that’s yet been implemented on a large scale AFAIK. the pancakesforpinkos movement is based largely on the writings of John Cage, but also on other post-capitalist theories and the moralist approach of Noam Chomsky.

For an explination of anarcho-socialism, a good reference is a work by John Cage called “Overpopulation and Art.” It’s published in a book called _John Cage: Composed in America_. you can find out more information about that book from the pancakesforpinkos website.

In short, we believe in all of the rights accorded to workers in the UN charter. These include healthcare, education, adequate leisure time and a great many others. We believe very strongly in freedom of association, since that is the very basis of anarchism and also in government responcibility to coordinate for the social welfare of all, which is the socialism part. Our utopic society would feature limitted mandatory government service, but also squats, a use-based system instead of an ownership model and production based on human need rather than profit.

We beleive that implicit in this system and in worker’s rights is a right to a hearty breakfast:

Communism has embraced an international outlook from the onset. It has long been recognized than nationalism is nothing more than tool whereby the ruling classes can divide and disunify the workers, thus protecting their ability to exploit the workers for their own greedy ends. Marx himself wrote in The Communist Manifesto, “Workers of the wrold unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.” The potential gains of the unified, internationalized workers are many. Not the least of which is a hearty breakfast.

The need for a hearty breakfast has long been recognized by eastern bloc countries and was a long term goal of centralized soviet planning. Furthermore, it was recognized that a meeting place was required in the west. A place where those who realized that the international proletariat need a hearty meal to start the day, could identify easily and without prompting. Such a venture was established in 1958 and has since spread throughout the industrialized nations of the USA, Canada and Japan. This venture was completely covert. In every way this meeting place resembles any other buisiness in these countries. Many members of management are unaware. But the workers stand by read to seize the means of production and provide hearty breakfasts to the proletariat in conjunction with a generalized workers strike and communist revolution.

Astute readers should have no trouble recognizing an international provider of pancakes. Perhaps there is one in your town. That is where you can meet your comrades, have a hearty breakfast and discuss the overthrow of the capitalist system. Just ask your server for the “Red Star Pancake Special.”

The yahoo post

“I wonder if global warming also has something to do with the spread of AIDS?”

Now you’ve done it. Given the lefties another idea for another study for another waste of tax dollars. Oh well, they would have spent our money anyway.

The reply

ghost_shape, this is an example of good, right thinking. You are the sort of man that is rare on yahoo boards. Our tax dollars should not be spent by lefties on touchy-feely human rights programs or research into human diseases. Our money should be spent on weapons to defeat the remnants of communism. castro is still there in cuba and he’s armed! china is still communist. Just because the soviet union went underground does not mean that communism is not still a threat.

the rest of our excess money should be returned to the corporations who earned it and their owners.

those lefties are always thinking of ways to divert money from arms and industry into useless studies designed to improve people’s lives. And then they want to spend the rest of it on other touchy-feely things like pancakes breakfasts. documented:

I’ve been posting comunist rantings to yahoo news buliten boards, mainly under the name “hungry_pinko,” to promote In short, the people don’t need [news story subject], they need healthcare, education, housing, jobs and a hearty breakfast. (I support
The differnce between me and Mitch is that he’s a libretarian and I really do have big leftist leanings. The proletariat do need all of that and adequate vacation time too. I support the UN charter thingee on human rights. In fact, screw the economy. What we need is housing, healthcare, education, lesiure time, art, music, books and hearty breakfasts. I say we pick a few consumer goods we really like and fully automate their production. then we make sure all the food gets to where it needs to go, but we switch to sustainable agriculture. We don’t need to export and destroy farmers overseas. Screw that. Farmers are highly estemeed. Then we keep making medical stuff. Doctors are highly esteemed. And we still have schools and school stuff like textbooks and crayons, only the textbooks are not full of lies. Teachers are highly esteemed. And we make passive solar houses out of stuff we have sitting around and other highly eficient building materials. Civil Engineers, materials scientists and construction workers are highly esteemed, but quite a bit rarer than they are now. We have millions of acres of wasted retail space which will be converted to other pruposes. We may not need to build buildings except after earthquakes and the like, or maybe for big art shows, like the Bienalle. And everyone who is not a farmer, train worker (train workers are highly esteemed), doctor, nurse (nurses are highly esteemed), teacher, janitor (supremely highly esteemed), civil engineer, construction worker or material engineer can go and work in the publishing industry (also esteemed) or be a scroungy unesteemed artist, musician or writer. Most everyone can and will make art, so why esteem it unless it’s exceptional? Anyway, the proletariat need more compassion, less conservativism, respect for their humam rights and a hearty breakfast.